The "Postpartum Sleep" educational app is a comprehensive and empowering resource designed to address the needs of women during the post-pregnancy period. Understanding and managing sleep at this stage is essential given the unique challenges mothers face after pregnancy and childbirth.The app offers a range of resources aimed at educating, supporting and empowering women in this critical time. With a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate interface, users can access reliable, evidence-based information about postpartum sleep patterns, factors that can affect sleep quality, and strategies to improve health and well-being through of sleep.The app was developed by Master Taynah Neri Correia Campos, under the guidance of Dr Fabiana Barbosa Gonçalves, as a product of the Professional Masters Degree in Education, Work and Innovation in Medicine at the Multicampi School of Medical Sciences of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, validated by expert judges in sleep and human chronobiology and postpartum women at the Ana Bezerra University Hospital.